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Tassie Tiger Knives Welcome Blog

Hi all,
Welcome to our first post/blog from Tassie Tiger Knives, we get loads of emails each week asking us questions regarding new products, where you can find us and knife care, so we thought it would be a great idea to share some information on us with what’s coming up with new products, general news and some tips on knife care and sharpening.
We would also love some feedback on what you would like to see next in our range of knives, as we are here to try and offer you what you want and to fill a void in the market of quality knives at an affordable price. So let us know what you are after, and we will see what we can do.
So a bit about us, TTK was established in 2017, but it was a good 2 years prior when the idea was born over a few beers, so we started researching our first knife – our 3.1L skinning knife, a few months later it started to take shape, we wanted a knife that had quality steel, nice drop point and a size that you could easily use on rabbits to deer. Our thought was, “if this idea doesn’t work, at least we have a decent knife we could use ourselves” Luckily the rest is history and we are still going strong!
Our Skinning knife, still to this day is one of our best sellers. We don’t want to bore you with the rest, but as you can see our range has grown to hunting knives, folding knives, and survival knives.

So that’s it for now, keep an eye out for an update on a couple of exciting projects we have been working on for the last 12 months or so, more to come soon.

Thanks for reading and get out and enjoy the great outdoors!

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