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KPL Organic Camellia Knife Oil

$22.95 inc. GST

If you spend your hard earned money on knives like we do, you will want to keep them in top condition. So for piece of mind grab some KPL Camellia Oil!

This oil is ideal for all knives, but if you prepare food with your knife (hunting or home), then this is the one you want

Tsubaki (Camellia Oleifera) Oil is an Omega-9-containing natural oil virgin-pressed from the seeds of the oil-seed camellia. Camellia oil is traditionally favoured in Japan for preservation of fine tools, swords and cutlery.

Camellia Oil is universally considered the premium option for protecting high-end carbon-steel kitchen knives, swords, and cast iron cookware.

Camellia is preferred due to its imparting no taste to foods, while also displacing moisture, forming an oxygen barrier and preventing rust and pitting.

To use, spray oil on knife surface, then wipe gently leaving a thin film of oil on all metal surfaces.

Apply immediately after each use of carbon steel knife or cook wear and after exposure to water, foods or humidity. Also perfect for maintaining your EDC knife when used for food, or for maintaining cast iron.

Made in the USA

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